ANT100Y1 Lecture Notes - Semiotics, Noam Chomsky, Axolotl
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Immaterial effects: of more interest here- what does language do: language: natural (biological) aspects. N we learn specific languages from others (its not in our genes) N the main topic in linguistics is language (the language faculty), not languages: our brain makes it easy to learn some linguistic features. S all languages draw from a limited set of possible linguistic features that. S because he is grammatically wrong but understandable, easy to imitate. S he uses rule that are humanly possible and so are found in some languages (his rule is to put the verb last: as in latin) 0. ,:800,7033,905747,220/940,738:. 7:08: there are linguistic rules that our brain does not help us learn easily www. notesolution. com. S these are rules that will be found in no language. S organizes (creates!) reality: language: social aspects. S how language functions/ is used in society. S the difference is not objective but socially and politically determined. S danish, norwegian, russian and ukrainian, serbian and croatian.