ANT100Y1 Lecture Notes - Lecture 9: Middle Paleolithic, Lower Paleolithic, Stone Tool
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Lecture 9: topic 5: origin and spread of modern humans. Upper palaeolithic (50-10 kya) - various tool traditions. Middle palaeolithic (200-40 kya) - mousterian tool tradition - blades. Lower palaeolithic (2. 6mya-200 kya) - acheulean tool tradition 1. 8mya-200kya and. Modern sapiens originated in single population in east or south africa-developed culture etc. (160-200 kya) -> leave by 90 kya -> spread. Earliest sapiens = not directly associated with full modern behaviour (cognitive abilities) Genome dna in eurasia = problematic (negative diseases i. e. thick blood) Modern humans most likely displaced neanderthals and other pre sapiens rapidly. Neanderthals = adapted to cold -> expand during ice age; modern sapiens take over when it get"s warmer. Last neanderthals -> extinct (35kya) while 5 kya spread of modern humans to europe. Sapiens = exit -> developed communally across the world modern human culture. Upper palaeolithic period: 50 kyat in africa, 40 kya in southwest asia and europe - closest to modern humans.