ANT100Y1 Lecture Notes - Homo Habilis, Homo Rudolfensis, Tool Stone
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Homo habilis- early species belonging to our genus, homo, with cranial capacities averaging about 630- 640 cc, about 50 percent of the brain capacity of modern humans. Homo rudolfensis- early species belonging to our genus, homo, similar enough to homo habilis that some paleoanthropologists make no distinction between the two. Some tools dated back to time of homo habilis. H. habilis had greater brain capacity maeks sense they made it instead if australioithecines. Reality none of tools dated to that time so who made it. Hominines that live from atheist 2. 5mill years ago- 1. 5 millions ago have thumbs capable of toolmakin, so all of them had been toolmakers. Oldest tools bout 3000 found recently at gono, ethopia. Range from very small flakes (thumb-size) to cobble or core tools that were fist size. Percussion flaking- a toolmaking techinique in which one stone is struck with another to remove a flake. Both sharp edged flakes and sharp edged cores were use as tools.