ANT100Y1 Lecture Notes - Lecture 5: Neanderthal Genome Project, Evolutionary Anthropology, Melanin

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Everything starts in africa as it has the early human. First fossil member of taxon: homo habilis, which means handy man. Some researchers suggest that h. habilis is junk taxon and that there may be two or more species of homo by 2. 0 mya. From sites in tanzania, kenya and ethiopia (2. 3- 1. 6 mya) Species designation: brain size and association with stone tools. May represent 2 or more different species (h. rudolfensis and h. habilis) First species in genus homo found outside africa (asia, and southeast asia) Brain and body size changes in lineage. Early african specimens may be different species, homo ergaster. Brain size increase as well as body size. Fire really important as it is used for many things. Distinguished from h. erectus by thinner skull bones and lack of an obvious supraorbital foramen. Debate on h erectus or h ergaster as direct ancestor of modern humans. Compared to h. erectus, h heidelbergensis: decrease in dentition.