ANT100Y1 Lecture Notes - Conspicuous Consumption, Chichen Itza, Zoomorphism
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More sophisticated social forms containing properties that can be. Archaeological indicators o o o hierarchy under king / emperor. Predictive sciences (e. g. , astronomy, mathematics) o o o o o o o o o o o o. The circular and semicircular symbols impressions are numbers. Importantly, not all of these indicators are present in every ancient o. Little evidence for ostentatious display of power in harappan (indus. Little evidence for urbanization in old kingdom egypt or among the. Quipo - system of recording transactions of food e. g. quinoa. Most early writing is logographic o units of a language) in vocabulary. One written symbol for each item (morpheme - smallest meaningful. Characters stand for meanings, not sounds e. g. shang oracle bone inscriptions ca. Divination practices used for the emperor of china during the. Later developments involve syllabic / alphabetic systems o. Syllabic - written symbol for each syllable e. g. cuneiform (mesopotamia) and hieroglyphics (egypt)