ANT100Y1 Lecture Notes - Lecture 6: Homo Habilis, Homo Rudolfensis, Homo Heidelbergensis

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Ant100 lecture 6 human evolution and race. Hominin fossils: moving from ape-like creatures to human kind, geographically still found in africa. Rise of the genus homo: earliest evolved in africa, and dated 2. 4 to 1. 8 mya, the first fossil member of taxon: homo habilis. Homo habilis: fossils from sites in tanzania, kenya and ethiopia. Homo rudolfensis: koobi fora, kenya, originally considered part of the h. habilis species, lead to even more controversy. Homo erectus: first species in genus homo that was found outside africa (came from asia and. Homo ergaster: found in east and south africa, lived about 1. 8-1. 3 mya, were distinguished from h. erectus by their thinner skull bones and their obvious lack of a supraorbital foramen. Homo heidelbergensis: from europe and asia, 700-130 kya, compared to h. erectus, these species had, bigger brain sizes, larger body size, though their teeth and brow sizes were ancestral, their bodies became to resemble modern human bodies.

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