ANT100Y1 Lecture : Language Culture, Prejudice

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9 Feb 2011
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ANT100Y1 Full Course Notes
ANT100Y1 Full Course Notes
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Learning resources: book lavenda and schultz available in uoft bookstore, kalmar notes online. Office hours: tuesdays 12:30-1:30, check contacts web page for cancellations. Language and culture: nature vs. nurture: nature/nurture, a false contrast, all humans have language and all humans have culture , so language and culture are programmed" into humans by nature. Adaptive value of social transmission: social transmission much more flexible than genetic transmission, major changes can occur within a generation or two, major changes can occur without a change of species. January 20th, 2011: result: adaptation without becoming a new species, changing while remaining homo sapiens. Origin of anthropology: developed where such prejudice played a radical role in 19th century (1800s), where some north european countries took over rest of world, in a specific niche, the west" (north?) Anthropology and the non-west: anthropology was largely the discipline for explaining the non-west, the general public and early anthropologists understood the non-west in terms of.

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