ANT100Y1 Lecture : Jan 2011 Craft of Socio-Cultural Ant.
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Ant210h1s the boasian tradition, aaa controversy and going native. Presentations should be around five minutes which include your reflections and findings and also your research question. Your observations should be around five hours total. Ethical issues: research proposals (in general, not in class) should include the level of burden to the participants and any physical risks which are involved, the location and the subject of your research. If you haven"t talked with a person in your field, you must not ask for informed consent. Professor kalocsai: boas criticizes tylor"s statistical approach, proposing the collection of data as a means of restoring equality to the participant and the observer (humanism) Boas conducts 1-4 month periods of field research (never more than a year in contrast with. Malinowski who advocated staying for longer) along various regions of north western north america approximately 40 separate times.