ANT100Y1 Lecture Notes - Bride Price, Ethnography

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14 Feb 2011
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ANT100Y1 Full Course Notes
ANT100Y1 Full Course Notes
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Lofland: axis of difference (religion, race, ethnicity, history, politics), descriptive/ascribed/ascriptive catagories (?) J the ethnographer must discuss their position from outside their fieldsite. lll@l 2l9j immigrant experience j the ethnographer as white and local, the participants zk l. Them and me: french anthropologist in new guinea (stephen pretton) Primary informant: teaches the language, brings community around to open up, the anthropologist offers to raise his salary each year and pay his bride price. They are appalled by the anthropologists childish use of their language. The anthropologist is a shopkeeper j selling oil, paper money, razor blades, mirrors and medicine j this is not a place of honour. The anthropologist describes the ogre stories and spirit stories of the natives as childish while they call the anthropologist a child initially j mutual disrespect (ethical?) j the elder asks for 5,000 extra receiving this he bestows some respect (presumably) on the anthropologist www. notesolution. com.

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