ANT100Y1 Lecture Notes - Enculturation, Ethnocentrism

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Theme: thinking is a social act : study of contemporary and recent human populations, comparative field interested in how societies vary and why, under what conditions, holistic perspective study societies in context (historical, political, economic, religious) Imagined (e. g. conceptual) but not imaginary cultural concepts have tangiable consequences: culture is humanity"s key biological adaptation a biological capacity that is completed or filled through social interaction www. notesolution. com. March 3rd, 2011: humans are unfinished animals who complete themselves through culture c. Hegemony: adds the dimension of power to concept of culture, in context of social complexity, refers to culture assumptions about nature of world and how it works that dominate in a given population. U. s. dollar as standard of value under global capitalism: e. g. male privilege in some societies. Enculturation: process of learning a culture (one"s primary culture or another, also known as acculturation when learning a second culture and becoming acculturated to new context.