ANT100Y1 Lecture Notes - Lecture 10: Anatomically Modern Human, Spear-Thrower, Middle Paleolithic
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Anatomically modern homo sapiens originated in a single population in east or south. Leave africa by 90 kya, spread around the world. Earliest modern homo sapiens are not immediately associated with the full range of. They are still associated with middle palaeolithic stone tool types. New aspects of material culture accumulate gradually (e. g. , elaborate bone tools, indication of art), at least in part because evidence does not preserve. There is much speculation around the amount of interaction neanderthals had with homo sapiens, there is many different sets of evidence when looking at different sites. Not completely clear, but genetic studies indicate not much interbreeding. In many areas, modern humans probably displaced neanderthals and other pre-homo sapiens rapidly. Last neanderthals went extinct around 35 kya, within about 5 kya of spread of modern humans to europe. Once homo sapiens has been around for millennia, and most aspects of modern human behaviour have developed, we have the: