ANT204H1 Lecture Notes - Lecture 2: Brutal Assault, Indirect Rule, Nature Center

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4 Oct 2015

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Think about what motivated europeans to take over most of africa in the late nineteenth century and how did they decide which bits to claim for themselves. Film i: partnership between europe and africans; by 1880s, this changed dramatically, raw materials, markets, positions of advantage against rivals, carve-up was peaceful, rivalry was intense: berlin conference. Rule the country as much as possible as if there were no inhabitants : wide resistance. Took many shapes: war, return to muslim loyalties : ghanaians offered the british the right to set themselves up with a company with all the concessions they wanted, but that wasn"t enough they wanted territory. Finally, they had to decide to surrender : british government wanted more: he wanted the sacred golden stool war reemerges. African inhabitants welcomed them, early on but that quickly changed when they realized the colonial demands.

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