ANT253H1 Lecture Notes - Lecture 4: Voiced Labiodental Fricative, Voiced Bilabial Stop, International Phonetic Alphabet

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Language = an instrument of thought and expression. We need a set of symbols that stand for the sound. Consonants called this name because they accompany vowels. Vowels form the vocal atom: consonants form the surrounding particles that surround words. Back of the tongue = dorsal (?) [e] ehhh middle position of tongue: tongue raises a bit slightly. Tongue in front: beet, bit, bet. Tongue in center: bust, but, bot. Tongue in back: high boot, book, mid boat, low boug. International phonetic alphabet: vowel descriptions have a use beyond classification. Key: point of articulation: can be voiced or unvoiced. Bilabial (2 lip sounds: produced with the upper and lower lips touching: 2 lips together, air comes out from between the lips, the [b] in bin, the [m] in man. Labiodental: produced with the lower lip touching the upper teeth: the [f] in fun and the [v] in vine, [p] in pop.

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