BIO120H1 Lecture Notes - Lecture 4: Mutation Rate, Gene Flow, Mutation

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Heredity- progeny resemble their parents more than unrelated individuals. Selection- some forms better at surviving and breeding in a given environment. Genotype- genetic constitution of organism-in relation to particular gene/gene combinations (aa,aabb) Phenotype- organism as observed, used when discussing a trait or a feature of an organism that varies. Genome- entire organism"s dna including both genes and noncoding regions. Unit of hereditary information located on the chromosomes consisting of dna. A dna sequence composed of codons essential for a specific biological function. Where does genetic variation come from: mutation, recombination, gene flow, hybridization. Most genetic variability in a population results from sexual reproduction, in any given generation input from mutation very small. Stable change in dna sequence resulting in a change in genotype. Occurs at very low but variable rate in all organisms. To be important for evolution, must occur in germ cells, somatic not inherited. What is neutral in one environment, can be lethal in another.