BIO120H1 Lecture Notes - Lecture 6: Eichhornia Crassipes, Outcrossing, Dioecy

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BIO120H1 Full Course Notes
BIO120H1 Full Course Notes
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Document Summary

Reproductive modes (bullet) reproductive system (-) sexual system (#) mating system. Asexual: inherit gene from parent as new cell from parent. Sexual: meiosis, mitosis splitting to form new combination. Hermaphrodite: orgs able to produce both gametes at same time: cross fertilization, self fertilization. Sexual and asexual modes of reporduction in different environments. Buds off replica of self for asexual reporduction. Pollen and ovule gametes for sexual reproduction. Time and energy to find and attract mates. Break up of adaptive gene combinations (if org is adapted, adaptation is lost in offspring) The two-fold cost of meiosis: sexual female contributes only 50% of genes to next gen compared to asexual female. Aa adapted to wet habitat, aa adapted to dry. Sexual can create aa (neutral), which is unfavorable.