BIO120H1 Lecture : lecture note
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Trophic levels: primary producers = plants, primary consumers = herbivores, secondary consumers = carnivores who eat herbivores, tertiary consumers = carnivores who eat secondary consumers (carnivores, detritivores = eat dead organic matter. Trophic cascades paper(smith & slobodkin) the world is green because carnivores keep down herbivores so herbivores don"t limit plant growth. Small scattered island some plants which are preyed upon by beetles. Beetles are eaten by lizards and spiders. www. notesolution. com. Easie to be a carnivore consuming tissue much like own tissues less chemical changes have to made to make use of the food they are consuming. Plants have to go through more chemical processes to make food edible . much biodiversity resides in plants & insects. milweed: some animlas can eat it because the milky liquid is poisonous to them, but there are some specialized insects (catepillar) to eat it. monarch butterflies: colored brightly to warn predator to not eat the m.