BIO220H1 Lecture Notes - Lecture 1: Inbreeding Depression, Litmus, Autosome

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14 Jan 2020

Document Summary

Genetic data of behavior and ecology patterns in data. In of population (mt, y) (autosomes, x) (mt, autosomes, x) (y) 2) no, weak inbreeding depression, natural selection not selected, or reproductive success is variable. *experiments with elephants: lifespan too long, gestation too long, unable to measure inbreeding depression. Male elephant will avoid reproducing with their sisters on their father"s side. Male reproductive successes are arbitrary; therefore, they would want to mate as many as possible, avoid inbreed will be expensive. The fitness of male elephants is low; competition for mating, fights that are deadly. Female elephants have choices on matting with whom. A: caribou migrate pattern often matches wolf migration pattern. Northern wolves follow the caribou herd to the south for the winter. Fst = 1 genetic differentiation or no sharing of genetic materials. Fst = 0 no differentiation, all similar genetically. In wolf population: mtdna fst = 0. 28.