BIO271H1 Lecture : Lecture 1
Document Summary
Lecture 1: central nervous system, peripheral nervous system, organization of the nervous system, made up of neurons and glia, neurons can be further divided. sensory neurons provide input (external or internal world) signal reception: dendrites and the cell body (soma) Incoming signal received and converted to change in membrane potential. signal conduction: ap conducted to axon terminals (some wrapped in myelin sheath which aids conduction, ap travels down axon. Neurotransmitter: channels allow only specific ions to pass through the membrane. K channels hyperpolarizes the membrane: signals in the dendrites and the cell body, incoming signal. neurotransmitter small molecule that are released by another axon/neuron, present between the two. more neurotransmitter more ion channels open larger magnitude of graded potential: depolarization. na or ca channels open: hyperpolarize. Amount of ion channels, type of channels activated (different channels can be activated by the same neurotransmitter: graded potentials travel short distances, conduction with decrement.