CLA204H1 Lecture Notes - Lecture 4: Homeric Hymns, Elgin Marbles, Typhon
Document Summary
Athena, apollo, and artemis; hermes, and the underworld. On his left apollo, hermes with hat, angry woman is hera, shielded is ares. Zeus swallows metis, embodying himself cleverness, giving rise to athena. Prometheus knows that metis is the one who will give birth to the one who will rise greater than. As a consequence she is forever a virgin and faithful servant to her father zeus. Male association makes her in myth an important protectress of male heroes, a patron of adventurous mortals. Oral epic; homer/ bard has memorized little chunks/ paragraphs with repetition. Established as a representation of reasons of control. Imposes order on violence and reason upon it. Where ares is unrestrained, unbridled savagery (violence), athena represents strategy and disciplined tactics. She is inspirer of noble war, book 2, line 446 (agamemnon rallies his troops) Dishonest use for them to transform/ metamorphesize into whatever they desire) He(cid:272)tor, a(cid:272)(cid:272)hilles assures that he (cid:449)ill (cid:271)e feasti(cid:374)g o(cid:374) tro(cid:455)