CLA204H1 Lecture : Aphrodite
Document Summary
Aphrodite enjoys power in kipera and cyprus. Birth: zeus and dione (she-zeus, dione as the consort of zeus at dodona. S paired with zeus: if aphrodite born from zeus and dione. S aphrodite is not under the generation after zeus. Important aspects: sex, love, beauty, fertility, sea, war. Aphrodtie panemos (of all people) physical: plato imposes orer where there was none. Philosophical approach: two aphrodite, keep separate the notion of love and sex. Connected to war: sparta, cythera, kippera. B/c story changes to meet the changes in society. The graces (charities): loveliness personified: beauty, charm, grace. Cla204 eventually thought of as seasons involved with the arrangement of things everything has its proper moment. Originally a god of lampsacus (a city in asia minor, near troy: area gave birth to many fertility gods. Worship spreads to greece in the third century bc; thence to italy, where priapus is connected with a local italic god.