CLA204H1 Lecture : chapt 4/5
Document Summary
Zeus" travels convinced him that he must destroy mankind; one house had fallen but not one house only deserved to perish metamorphoses1. 240. New race of mortals promised; improvement over current gen. Destruction of lycaon"s home shows zeus that his lightning bolt is not option; danger of mass destruction too great > if the houses burn, the realm of the gods could be burned too. themis the god of families, relationships, harmony: oracle: go away from my temple, cover your heads and unloose the fastenings of your garments, and toss the bones of the great mother behind your back. Deucalion decides that oracles are truly holy and never urge evil; interprets great mother as earth, bones as rocks. Following the oracle"s words, they throw stones behind them which turn into mortal forms; animals and other living things grow from heat, moisture and earth. Domenico beccafumi deucalion and pyrrha (before 1518)