CLA204H1 Lecture : chapter 7
Document Summary
Genealogy: gaia = uranus, mountains, pontus; gaia + uranus = titans, cylcopes, hundred. Handers: oceanus the titan + tethys = oceanids (incl doris) Gaia + pontus = nereus (old man of the sea) Doris + nereus = 50 daughters (the nereids) > three named thetis, galatea, amphitrite. When looking at art of gods and goddesses, have to question what it"s trying to say. Bf lekythos > peleus and thetis (painting on a vase) Divine of the sea being able to change shape at will. Wedding of a lifetime (dinos the wedding of peleus and thetis ; sophilos [on blackboard]) Thetis and peleus: peleus gets thetis to marry him. male god of fertility of earth; male version of gaia > gives a closer idea. zeus pushes poseidon aside in importance in the narrative, but also historically. mycenae age; clay tablets in palaces written in early greek (linear b) > show an early form of poseidon; written as po-se-da-wo-ne.