CLA204H1 Lecture Notes - Lecture 10: Potnia Theron, Homeric Hymns, Lamontville Golden Arrows F.C.

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6 May 2016

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Women plant plants in pots and put them on the roofs and let them day. Not very well appreciated in athens, according to plato only hetaerae (prostitutes) Beat your breasts, maidens, and rend your garments . The gardens of adonis ephemeral and sterile plants (something short lived and not. But a fragment of sappho says: delicate adonis is dying, cytherea; what shall we do/ Sappho = lesbian poet, talks about weddings, prepares women to be wives. In the homeric hymn to aphrodite, 7th bc will survive the fall of troy and will play an important role in the founding of rome. After they do it, she reveals himself to her and realizes he will forever be important. Aphrodite seduces the trojan cowherd anchises and gives birth to aeneas =hero who. Often rep with wild animals (potnia theron = mistress of the animals), similarly to cybele, a phrygian mother-goddess. Ephesus, a city of asia minor, dedicated to her.

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