CLA219H1 Lecture Notes - Lecture 11: Catullus, Marcus Caelius Rufus, Ara Pacis
Document Summary
Standard essay (usually broad, use sources) / or you can bring a dialogue. Geneticialian priesthood happens in cults, be member of specific family. Democratic priesthood- can be filled by other families. Some women end up being portrayed as being, awful, terrible figures that are into having sex with everybody. Emperors are portrayed as being good and bad most are known as bads. Roman women famous livia wife of augustus, claudia notorious, julia daughter of. Daughter of scipio africanus ( got the name africanus because defeated one of rome arch enemies) Sempronius (family of clan that he belongs to ) gracchus (nickname) Women are only named by getting the female form of the family name. Denied to marry ptolemy v111 physcon after her husband died. Cornellia bore 12 children, almost all of them died before adulthood. Sempronia daughter, and tiberius and gaius sons. Famous for virtue that she was a univera.