CLA232H1 Lecture : Thucydides' Funeral Oration

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13 Feb 2011

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What i want to do is, in the first place, to discuss the spirit in which we faced our t rials and also our constitution and the way of life which has made us great. Lots of consequences for how they thought of themselves and how they thought of others. In the archaic period, athens was run by a tight oligarchic aristocracy. This resulted in the tyranny of pisistratus who, along with his sons, governed. Athens under a tyranny in the 6th century www. notesolution. com. eventually his sons were assassinated and democracy was implemented. as the 5th century rolled on, democracy increased. In a direct democracy, there is no mediation between the people and the government. The people are the government and have a direct hand in the running of the state. democracy comes from the word demokratia, coming from the word demos (the people) and kratos (sovereignty)

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