CLA232H1 Lecture : Hippocrates Airs, Waters, Places
Document Summary
part 1: extremely short answers: one word/one sentence answers *spelling counts! 10 of these questions, worth 2 points each. part 2: pretty short answers: one paragraphs. kind of questions on the reading guides. example: how is odysseus represented in contrast to the cyclopes. choose 4 out of 5 questions, 10 points year. very broad, you"ll be able to choose which texts to focus on. Are these examples discusses with accuracy and detail: style, organization, and clarity of writing and argumentation, originality: points will be given for degree of difficulty. we have been looking at the alterity between the greek self and the barbarian other www. notesolution. com. so the way that prejudice has shaped the way that history is told. Today: the same relationship between the greek and barbarian, but through the perspective of medicine.