CLA232H1 Lecture : Hippocrates On airs, waters, and places

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14 Feb 2011

Document Summary

On airs, waters, and places february 9, 2011. Medicin t ries to be objective but it always taking note of factors such as sex, race, ethnicity, age, healthy v unhealthy, etc. Writing in 5th century bce, contemporary of herodotus. Known as the father of greek medicine, origin of the hippocratic oath. Established the oath because it was just coming into existence so it needed to become better known and t rusted. God was thought to be the one curing you. Largely defining what we think of as medicine both as a theory and a practical. What makes medicine different from religion, coherent practice. His analysis of the scithians impotency they think it"s just a god"s curse, but hippocrates claims that all diseases are natural, not divine, and credits it to other logic (albeit strange) factors. This is his application to all diseases, all natural and cause and effect. Believes they had to do with the balance of bodily fluids.

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