CLA233H1 Lecture : Feb. 3 - Caesar's Civil War [antisigma slide notes incl.]

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102/100 bce: born into a noble but not very rich or influential family his family hadn"t been powerful for a while: 85 bce: proscribed by sulla; hides; eventually pardoned slipped through the civil war. 79bce: military service; an embassy to nicomedes, king of bithynia: caesar said to have had an affair with king nicomedes. 78bce: death of sulla and return of caesar to rome: the political rise. 67bce: guaestor; gets a seat in the house: marries a granddaughter of sulla supports pompey"s command against the pirates. 65bce: aedile and lavish games doesn"t necessary have a lot of money, but a lot of political capital (loans etc. ) 60bce: joins with pompey and crassus to form the first triumvirate they pool their vast resources and influence for mutual support extra-constitutional. 59bce: elected consul his daughter given to pompey in marriage: further cements the triumvirate.

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