CSB332H1 Lecture Notes - Lecture 18: Schaffer Collateral, Synaptogenesis, Classical Conditioning
Document Summary
In this experiment demonstrating associative ltp, you need two nerves/axons simultaneous activation of axons. One of the electrode in this area, it"s possible because if you place it anywhere, it"ll still stimulate the neuron. Other electrode (clear way of placing the electrode), the ap travel to the dendrites. But you can place the electrodes anywhere as long as it stimulate 2 different axons/nerves. Bottom line of associative ltp: you have to stimulate 2 axons and if you go back to the postulate, he says that. If you place it close to both nerves/axons, it"s going to create something ______? associative ltp occurs when a post synaptic neuron is stimulated simultaneous with the stimulation of a presynaptic axon. So simultaneous activation of the post synaptic neuron and pre synaptic will result in the strengthening of that synapse so cells that fire together gets wired together; increase synaptic efficacy.