EAS209H1 Lecture : EAS209H1F Lecture Notes for Nov. 23, 2010

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29 Nov 2010

Document Summary

Introduction j 4 essays [eastern sentiment: geography/ space. N popular writer, editor, novelist during the colonial period. N wrote a lot about his personal life: characters similar to yi tae jun himself, essays j personal. N city of seoul j han river in the south. N majority of the city located north of the river. N wavy outside line j represents the city boundaries: redrawn in 1934 from previous boundaries. S city walls = periphery of the city. N gates j north, south, east, west: city boundary almost doubled. N peri-urb j refers to the surroundings of the city (periphery, neither city nor country-side: hon-machi ( ) urb. S variety of clothings: japanese, traditional korea, western, S colonial capital: hanyangsung city wall ( #, boundary space of the peri-urb. S within seoul metropolitan boundaries, but zl metropolitan. Just outside the city walls: after 1934 when city walls were redrawn, value of lands within city walls increased.

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