ENG140Y1 Lecture Notes - Lecture 3: T. S. Eliot, The Waste Land, Fisher King
Document Summary
Ts eliot wrote wasteland 1921: published in the criteria. Over 2 mil people unemployed in england after world war: ten mil people dead. Eliot tended to write fragemnts of poetry and assemble them over time in pieces: prufrock and wasteland written in this manner. Why so fragmented: perceived order, make art that follows that order, if world in ruins, make and respond to art that imitates disorder. Cubist: not interested in the world, creating their own worlds: unlearn all techniques of modern art and create their own rules. T. s eliot sought to reinvent tradition: risks to leave people behind since ppl don"t like change. Eliot is trying to speak throught many voices except his own: no single spekaer in the wasteland, all diff. speakers. Genuine hope to bring out the gut emotion of the read and not their intelligence or education.