ENG202Y1 Lecture : king lear

79 views3 pages
14 Feb 2011

Document Summary

Lear confuses his identity as a man with his role as a king. His conflation with himself with his kingship, expressed by how he is using his language. Performative utterances: create reality i. e. i promise to make dinner tonight creating a certain type of obligation to another person. I do" under certain circumstances, certain words are performative. Lear externalizes the performative power of his speech. Performative lang is not necessarily tied to intention, can be used mischievously. Lear intuits that his language is tied to the specific nature of the context in which he uses it. I banish you", creates a new reality. Should think about cordelia"s silence being a brat, understands what is going on and decides to humiliate her father but also, refusing to play the game, her feelings are easily manipulated by her sisters and instrumentalized by her father. In contrast to her sisters, cordelia uses a lot of pronouns.

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