ENG220H1 Lecture : ENG220 Tempest

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28 Mar 2012

Document Summary

Boundaries of subjectivity between ariel and prospero. Pregnant = women not executed so baby no tainted by mother"s sin; hag tried to slave ariel but trap, deliver baby and dies. Suggests tree is like body, story is about life, transforms prospero as midwife, delivers ariel out of tree and puts him in service for a year. Interweaving stories of origin and justification, characters bound to one another. His description of island most beautiful in play. Align with prospero, language used to enchant. Prospero: thou poisonous slave caliban: the rest of the island . Power to create action out of language. Imperial and aboriginal relationship teach language and religion -> take land, put in confined places. Prospero saying my spirit, spirit, addressing ariel crossover and interlacing of subjectivity between propsero and ariel. Discourse of claribel, coming together of dynastic marriage with exploration. Founding of dynasty through arriving and marriage. Monster: misshapen being, trying to find cause for monstrous beings.

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