ENG353Y1 Lecture Notes - Lecture 1: Sinclair Ross, Unreliable Narrator, Soltyrei

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11 Mar 2020

Document Summary

As for me and my house - sinclair ross. To designate a recurrent mode in various eras and literary forms of representing human life and experiences in literature. Realism is said to represent life as it really is. Realism is said to offer fidelity to actuality in its representation, a concept loosely synonymous with verisimilitude. Prairies, 1930s, constant physical descriptions of sounds and sights prairie realism is regional (a particular environment) and referential (gestures to actual things that can be identified in the world) Captures the sense of oppression and desolation. Narrative celebrates the endurance of a quiet couple in the face of hardship. Unreliable narrator who reveals more than she knows (hysterical paranoia, suspicion). Role as the narrator to reveal the gaps between appearance and reality. We remain skeptical because we cannot see phillip"s art for ourselves. Representing and exploring the everyday, rooted in the experience of the common. Renders something beautiful when it is not.

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