ENG205H1 Lecture Notes - Metalanguage, Coherentism, Relativism

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8 Dec 2012

Document Summary

Literary poetic function: whenever we are forced to slow down; operative in everyday conversation. Looking @ code = metalingual; if you don"t understand what the person is saying, we might look. Focusing on the addressee, you are focusing on the . Literary/experimental: certain kinds of fiction that you have to work hard to read. Those who most earnestly denounce something, that is where their true interest lies. Each vocabulary is a self-fulfilling prophecy: we say things in a certain way that is selective about what is mentioned to convey a message that may be received in a way we want it to. 2 types of terms: terms that put things together and terms that take things apart. The more vocabularies we possess the more we possess. There is not ultimate metalanguage or unchanging code. Handy foundationalism: there is not ultimate or unshakable facts; only certain.

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