ESS102H1 Lecture 6: Lecture 6

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30 Oct 2010

Document Summary

On earth there are numerous different life forms. This abundamce of different life forms is called biodiversity. Single celled organisms that have a cell wall but the nucleus of the cell is not bound by a membrane. Protoctista: unicellular organization fungi, live on decaying organic matter. Ecosystem including the organism (biosphere) and its environment (lithosphere, atmostphere, hydrosphere) Ecosystems have to have energy and nutrient sources (e. g. sun, other organism) Heterotrophs: organisms that need to consumer complex organic compounds to grow their tissues and for energy. Decomposers: essential in the decomposition of dead organisms. The feeding level occupied by an organism in a food chain represents its trophic level. 6 elements form about 95% of plant matter: c, h, o, n, s, p. Each trophic level is smaller because 10% of energy is lost at each trophic level ecosphere. The majority of life is restricted to a zone between 200m below the surface of the oceans to.