ESS102H1 Lecture : geology lecture#2.doc
Document Summary
Come up with a hypothesis(question you can test) Because they disproved it was wrong(magnetic field should decrease was disproved) Minerals related to mystical and magical powers (used often as lucky charms to ward off evil spirits) end of the middle ages(renonsonse) 1000yrs ago (1088 bologna,paris) time when universities were not linked t church. Printing: could buy a bookkey was that it was(easy to reproduce the book) museums: Not so much art available but more than 50000 sheets of his thoughts. Notebook was written backwards(possibly left handed, or just brilliant) Interested in canals, drying of marshes, argues that Fascinated with naturepaintings are like a photography (good at observing). the ideas were never disseminated, thoughts were not of benefit to others isolated Harz and erz (most advanced mining area in europerich oars) as a consequence min- ing communities had power. Publish ed de re metallica(about miningno one else disgusted medicine with the geol- ogy aspect of mining)