<p>Penicillin is hydrolyzed and thereby rendered inactive bypenicillinase, an enzyme present in some resistant bacteria. Themass of this enzyme in Staphylococcus aureus is 29.6kd. The amountof penicillin hydrolyzed in 1 minute in a 10-ml solution containing10-9 g of pencillinase was measured as a function of theconcentration of penicillin. Assume that the concentration ofpenicillin does not change appreciably during the assay.<br/><br />[Penicillin] Amount hydrolyzed</p>
<p>  uM            [nanomoles]</p>
<p>   1                   0.11</p>
<p>   3                   0.25</p>
<p>   5                   0.34</p>
<p>  10                  0.45</p>
<p>  30                  0.58</p>
<p>  50                  0.61</p>
<p> </p>
<p>Plot the initial velocity versus substrate and versus1/initial velocity for these data. Does pencillinase appear to obeymichaelis-Menten kinetics? If so what is the value of KM?</p>