GGR100H1 Lecture 13: Lecture 13 notes
Document Summary
Ggr323 - aging aging - a global phenomena. Mostly in developing countries - no resources to deal with process of aging. Family structures being destroyed - smaller families dealing with large aging population age > 65 - relatively small age cohort, therefore smaller proportion of population but still significant. Begin to experience population decline aging & population decline in developed world. Level of economic liability change structure of families - standard size between 2-3 children. Role of females - changed from being primary child bearer to a wider role in society. Has an impact on family and society. Greater number of single parent families, families that choose not to have children, etc. Change in family structure more acceptable nowadays. Increasing life expectancy - constantly improve medical technology, therefore increase age of expectancy. Education required to move into labour force. Children has a sense of entitlement - more spoiled, increases cost of child, less likely to have more children.