GGR101H1 Lecture Notes - Lecture 5: Paranthropus Robustus, Olduvai Gorge, Sagittal Crest

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Lec 5 => topic: the holocene: a 12,000 year history of climate change. Write at least a little more than half of the essay for the rough draft. Ardipithecus ramidus: 4. 4 4. 0 mya, africa, arboreal adaptations, small brain (300 350 cm3) Australopithecus afarensis: 3. 9 2. 9 mya, africa (kenya, fully bipedal, small brain (380 430cm3) Miocene was warm expansion of tropical and deciduous forests: pliocene pleistocene (~2. 6 mya) Warmer and wetter conditions retraction of ice sheets of glaciers higher sea levels stadials and interstadials terms for glacial-interglacial cycling stadials: periods of cold interstadials: periods of warm: pilocene vegetation cover model eastern part, primarily tropical forest. Miocene -> cooling distribution of early primates: modern african savannah zebras, sparse lakes, few trees based on 16o and 18o found in marine fauna (shells) analyze diff. b/w 16o and 18o. Marine isotope stages: oxygen isotopes from deep sea cores, referred to as mis international ocean discovery program**

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