1. If a car's wheels are replaced with wheels of greater diameter,will the reading of the speedometer change? Explain.
2. Weightlessness in space is known to have harmful effects on thebodies of people in space. To set up inhabitants (people) in space,it has been suggested that rotating cylinders about 10 miles longand 5 miles in diameter be placed in space. The purpose of theirrotation is to simulate gravity for the people so they have weight.Explain how this is possible?
Please use DragMath to submit the solutions to problems No. 5 and 6of Activity 9A on page 129 of Bendall & Howison.
1. Why do the string instruments go flat (lower frequencies) andthe wind instruments go sharp (higher frequencies) during aperformance if an orchestra doesn't warm up beforehand?
2. If you were carrying a fish tank filled with water, what willhappen if your walking frequency matches the natural frequency ofthe water in the tank?
Good luck with these questions. I look forward to a heartydiscussion by Friday this week.
1. Household circuits are always wired so that the electricaldevices are connected in parallel. Why is this so?
2. How are circuit breakers connected in the household circuits(series or parallel)? What is the use of a circuit breaker? Why isit more advantageous to use a circuit breaker compared to using afuse?
Hope to hear your answers soon.
Mathematical Question:
Try the question on capacitors Activity 14C no. 3. You can useDragmath to submit your solution. If you are scanning your answersand uploading a file, please keep its size small.
Challenge Question:
A fully charged parallel-plate capacitor remains connected to abattery while you slide a dielectric between the plates. Do thefollowing quantities increase, decrease, or stay the same? (a)capacitance, C (b) charge, Q (c) electric field, E between theplates, (d) change in voltage, V (e) energy stored in thecapacitor.
Twisted wires: In electrical circuits, it is often the case thatinsulated wires carrying currents in opposite directions aretwisted together. What is the advantage in doing this?
Have a go; looking forward to some interesting replies.
Metal detectors in airports: When you walk through the doorway ofan airport metal detector, you are really walking through a coil ofmany turns, i.e. an inductor connected to a resonant circuit tunedto the resonant frequency when there is no metal in the inductor.So how does this circuit detect any metal that is in your pocketwhen you walk through the metal detector?
Looking forward to your replies.