GGR124H1 Lecture Notes - Lecture 3: Liberty Village, Deindustrialization, Black Market
Document Summary
Cities as centre of manufacturing: manufacturing is one of the most important components of urban growth, helps explain: Differences in rates of growth, due to specialization. Classifying manufacturing: components or types of goods. Assembly / integration = of parts into finished product. Manufacturing location: alfred we(cid:271)er(cid:859)s lo(cid:272)atio(cid:374) theory, the need to minimize cost weber, are they dependent on highly skilled labour, where do they locate. Firms would located based on the production system their related with. Firms dependent on inputs found everywhere would locate closer to their market i. e. market- oriented. Those dependent on specific raw materials would locate close to them i. e. materials oriented: ultimately, firms would seek the least-cost location. Manufacturing location 2: but, (cid:373)odel is (cid:858)idealized(cid:859) or (cid:858)si(cid:373)plisti(cid:272)(cid:859, characteristics of global economic system. Single world market with production for exchange. Spatial divisions in organization of the system. Existence of a defined core and periphery. Cycles of growth across the system globally.