GGR124H1 Lecture : GGR124H1-Lecture2.docx

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27 Apr 2014

Document Summary

How and why did those settlements become geographically concentrated. How and why do some of these bran settlements grow to become larger than other settlements o. Social surplus above what is needed for subsistence. Production of basic goods (goods that are tradable) over and. Appearance of non-agricultural settlements: plots of land w. no relationships>surplus> trade and specialization happens >linkages appear between plots. We now have the potential to become a city: trade must be managed then political class emerges- political elite, the trade is the trigger. *unlikely any one factor holds sway, instead more of a gradual transition. Why do some settlements grow larger: agglomeration economies, economic benefits accruing to concentration of activities in space, highways near car factories for easy transportation, two types of economies. Urbanization- locating in an urban environment: shared infrastructure, shared sources of water, electricity, sewage disposal, information and media, firms close to the city benefit from the fact that the infrastructure is already there.

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