GGR252H1 Lecture Notes - Lecture 12: Land Values, Externality, Pink-Collar Worker

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6 Apr 2014

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Market (demand) changes and retail supplier responses: population size. P2 = p1 + (b-d) + (i-b) Canada benefits from both natural growth and migrant growth, unlike undeveloped countries which only benefits from natural growth: population distribution. Small number of major urban regions within canada. 15 of the 33 cmas are in ontario, which are mostly in the golden horseshoe. Focus of the population in a few areas. Even though there is a general market that the retail supply will aim at, there is still a regionalization of the market. E. g. , sdm will work in any of the markets and it is easy for sdm to address all of the markets in the same way, but there is still regional distinctiveness to the markets. E. g. , mcdonald"s works everywhere, but the menu might be different. Lower and higher income groups have grown in number. Middle income groups have weakened in terms of relative proportion of the population (e. g. , less growth)

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