GGR271H1 Lecture Notes - Lecture 2: Fraser Institute, Kpmg, Blind Experiment
Document Summary
History of methods in geography (and allied discipline) Brief, general history (much more nuanced in practice: specific to geography, sociology and anthropology in north america, periods are not entirely discrete. Science provides the basis for the formulation of laws that explain human behaviours: only rigorous testing can lead to knowledge, theory generates hypotheses that can be tested, science is value free, distinction between science and normative statements. Understand human role in their own surroundings: research should be action oriented: research informs and shapes social change. Is there a single reality external to specific social actors, or are social phenomena and their meanings produced through the perceptions and actions of each individual. 19thcentury environmental determinists and the colonial mind o o o o o o o. Social phenomena exist beyond the reach of individuals. E. g. organizations have rules and regulations that possess an external reality. Social phenomena and their meaning produced through interactions.