HIS241H1 Lecture : Sept 28
Document Summary
Enlig h t e n m e n t: fr e n c h revol u tio n, lib e r alis m, co n s e r v a ti s m. edmond burke: suppor ted t he american revolutionaries and social progress, suppor ted t he irish. state: few trade unions in existence were banned. fr willing to work for conser vatism a monu men tal thing www. notesolution. com. Jesuits, one of t he most conser vative thigns in cc, brought back into extre me privilege and authority no province could m ake a decision on their own all depended on vienna. not an ideolog y, hard to define. withou t that you are not a hu man but an auto man wan ted to bring back feelings over reason. in some cases it was revolutionar y, in some conser vative, in some nationalistic.