HIS241H1 Lecture : Liberal Europe Pt. 2.
Document Summary
The paris commune: divided working class and socialists into 2 parts: one continuing with idea of marxism, and other were anarchists, denouncing marxists attempts and centralized social system. They employed anarchist means to achieve their objective through terrorism and assassinations, yet they were labelled as marxists. There were social intellectuals who saw no need in violence, as it will destroy the movement itself, and decided to follow a path through negotiations. Marxists themselves divided: some thought they should continue with violent overthrow of system, while others thought they should concentrate on educating workers and lower classes and start demanding more social system in that manner. Argued to create a political system that was least divisive. Tried hard to distance himself and republicans from paris commune. By 1873, 2 years after defeat of commune, conseratives fired thiers and appointed conservative present and sought to achieve their goal since 1848: the re-establishment of french monarchy (third republic)