HIS243H1 Lecture : Lec 8 - Politics in the Renaissance

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10 Sep 2013

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City state republic to duchy florence. Things in politics we take for granted would have been unusual for them. What did it mean to survive in politics. Florence city state: 3 stages (3 individuals, 3 forms of government) Republican oligarchy lorenzo de medici (1469-1492) Northern europe: through 14h c. wars > immediate wars with neighbours and war between larger city units (for political/trade advantage) Very expensive > florence almost bankrupt itself because it had to hire mercenaries; no standing army: geographically successful controls tuscany, 1380s-1390s > peninsula wars (particularly that with milan) means trouble. Goes seriously into debt and only relieved by bonds that citizens would buy (forced loans) Become unsustainable: 1427 started new tax system (catast0) Had to fill out a census and taxed on new worth. Creates for the first time a very detailed census: 1430s strains continue to get worse. Albizzi (wealthier) v. medici (popular: 1433 albizzi take control of the government (florence loses battle with.

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