HIS243H1 Lecture : Stages of Medici Control
Document Summary
Lecture: durger"s touch - tactility + the physical process of painting vic 215 @ 5, Stages of medici control - republic & duchy. Left off at pazzi conspiracy last week, attempt on lorenzo"s life, whose brother died during the attempt. Lorenzo"s bold gamble when they survive the conspiracy, realizing he must get the king of naples on his side, goes down to naples (the king being the one behind the plot to kill him). Seen by people afterwards as an act of virtue. He returns, and decides to begin ruling much more overtly like a prince - more suspicion, placing the family more to the center of the economic and social life in. He is in the middle of doing away with the republic itself when he dies. His son takes over, turns out to be even more aggravating than lorenzo, and seems to believe florence belongs to him.