HIS244H1 Lecture : reading notes
Document Summary
Christian iv ruled from 1588-1648 and was protestant. In 1625 fredericks troops were into northern german states and hoped that english, dutch, and fench would rish to help to fight against the habsburgs. But england and the neterherlands only sent some money and a few thousand soldiers to help the danish. Louis xiii of france also only sent modest help to help the danes fight against the habsburgs. After marrying a wealthy widow he rose to even greater fortune as a supplier of armeries. He converted to catholcism at age twenty and became the most powerful of cathoilc generals. He was ambitious, ruthless, and had a violent temper. He hated the sound of noise and would sometimes order the killing of all dogs and cats upon arriving in a town because he couldn"t stand the noises they made. Because of his deteste of noise he also ordered his soildiers that they were not allowed to wear heavy boots.